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Home Our Approach Supporting YouthBuild Programs Globally

Supporting YouthBuild Programs Globally

YouthBuild USA is the nonprofit support center for a global network of more than 280 local YouthBuild programs in 15 countries, with 223 programs in 47 U.S. states and territories and 61 programs in 14 other countries. The global support team draws from over 40 years of YouthBuild implementation experience to create and deliver services designed to strengthen program quality, graduate outcomes, and community impact. 

The YouthBuild model has been adapted for implementation in rural and urban settings located in developing countries, emerging economies, and industrialized nations. Programs are managed by local community-based nonprofits, government agencies, development institutions, public colleges, and companies. The YouthBuild movement is effective because of the collective impact that hundreds of programs in local communities are making, partnering with opportunity youth, ready to meet them with knowledge, tools, opportunities, and love.

As a world-class support center, YouthBuild USA creates a bridge to the YouthBuild movement through technical assistance, leadership development, innovative program enhancements, and advocacy.

We focus on:


Impact & Learning

Increase the quality and impact of local YouthBuild programs 

We provide field-informed and field-led training and technical assistance, access to and analysis of performance data, and promising innovations so that each YouthBuild program can improve outcomes for students and graduates.




Strengthen the global YouthBuild network 

We leverage the YouthBuild movement’s geographic reach to catalyze innovation, partnerships and inspiration to unify the global movement and inspire peer support and knowledge sharing across the network.




Mobilize diverse sources of funding in support of YouthBuild programs’ growth and replication

We partner with national coalitions, governments, development finance institutions and local, national, and global companies to increase and diversify the investments in YouthBuild operations and YouthBuild innovations.




Support policies that multiply opportunities for young people to advance their learning, leadership and livelihood aspirations 

We lead efforts for advocacy of federal funding appropriation in the U.S. that invest in YouthBuild programs; in other countries, we support direct government investments in YouthBuild programs. We also support local YouthBuild programs in their efforts to advocate for funding from city, state, municipal and national governments.




Mobilize opportunity youth voice and participation 

We work to create permanent, accessible channels for youth voice and participation across the global network, elevating the experience and perspective of YouthBuild students and alumni to inform YouthBuild strategies and larger policy and advocacy efforts.

The Global Equity Leadership Network

YouthBuild strives to create a world where all young people are seen for their potential, and power to transform themselves and their communities. YouthBuild will draw from its decades-long work with young people of color living in economically poor urban, rural, and indigenous communities in 15 countries to create a global Equity Leadership Network whose members, E-Gen leaders, will catalyze youth agency; enable youth access to information, learning, social capital and peer-to-peer healing; and create assets to address inequities in education and economic opportunity systems. 

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