YouthBuild International Network partners use the 3L Framework, a common program framework to guide the adaptation and implementation of YouthBuild programs and interventions.
This framework includes design elements to facilitate outreach, intake and orientation of young people ages 16-26, who are out of formal work and training and are disconnected from economic opportunities. Young people proceed from orientation into a full-time program which is designed to advance developmental outcomes focused on livelihoods, learning, and leadership.
YBI Livelihoods
Network partners:
Provide employability and technical skills training to prepare young people for jobs and self-employment in high demand/growth market sectors.
Advance participants’ livelihoods through partnerships with local, national and global employers – who provide livelihood coaching; guide training content; and provide diverse placement opportunities for graduates.
Place and support graduates in quality livelihoods that include:
Formal sector internships, workplace-based skills training, and jobs;
Social and economic enterprises;
Formal education and further technical training.
YBI Learning
Network partners:
Enroll opportunity youth who have left the formal school system before earning the secondary diploma.
Map learning instruction and practice to the requirements of national secondary school requirements; provide pathways for students to earn this diploma.
Align school/center culture, curricula, teacher training, instructional practices and assessment tools to respond to student learning strengths and challenges.
Link school/center practice and student preparation to market informed social and economic livelihood opportunities; and engaged citizenship.
Position individual school/center practice, and collective network results to drive systems change in state, national, and global education and training systems.
YBI Leadership
Network partners:
Provide opportunities for young people to serve in their local communities and nations, while advancing their livelihood aspirations.
Build inspiring, accessible and relevant channels for youth leadership and decision making at the program, community, national and international levels.
Prepare young people to build and rebuild community infrastructure, including in post-disaster contexts.
Support country-based networks of graduates who work with their peers to sustain livelihood gains, and to guide investments in youth training and education.
Program Culture
The 3L Framework is implemented within the context of a strong and coherent YouthBuild Program Culture where young people experience:
High standards for progress and achievement;
Love and respect — of individuals, and their past, present and future aspirations;
A call to be accountable for their own actions and to the success of their peers and overall health of the program community;
A call to leadership and service;
A diverse community of peers and staff who strive to support equitable access for all young people to YouthBuild resources, and to pathways for full human development.