Sharing YouthBuild’s Vision: The Global Equity Leadership Network
YouthBuild USA produced an exciting 90-second video as part of a grant proposal for W.K. Kellogg Foundation’s Racial Equity 2030 challenge.
The video powerfully conveys how YouthBuild will draw from its decades-long work with young people of color living in economically poor urban, rural, and indigenous communities in 18 countries to create a global Equity Leadership Network whose members, E-Gen leaders, will catalyze youth agency; enable youth access to information, learning, social capital and peer-to-peer healing; and create assets to address inequities in education and economic opportunity systems.
By 2030, 100,000 E-Gen leaders will serve as global ambassadors of 21st century equity leadership, sourcing solutions for dismantling structures of racial and structural injustice from 25,000 local communities around the world.